Can VPS usage be tracked by IP address?

Suppose I want to use a service that requires a real IP address in the US (physical presence) , and it is very sensitive about this. I thought about VPS. They use dedicated and fixed IPs. Such as vultr,hetzner data centers On the other hand, I found some websites that give the IP range of these data centers by paying a small amount. Can it be concluded that the user is using a VPS by obtaining the range of IPs? Can it be recognized based on the IP address that the end user uses a VPS or receives his IP from an real internet provider? If it can be distinguished from the range of IPs. What can be done? As for ISPs, as far as I've seen, they don't offer VPS services that match real users' IP ranges. PS: I am not talking about the access level of governments. I'm talking about the services of companies.

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